Most Significant Digit

Monday, May 01, 2006

Me, Myers-Briggs, and Gaming

So, over at Brand's blog, there's a discussion of Myers-Briggs types and gaming. It's neat stuff, and I'm a sucker for personality typing, so I decided to play.

In high school, I tested as a pretty clear INTP. Now, though there are times when I feel more like the descriptions of INFPs, in addition to the times when I feel INFP is way too touch-feely for me. So I guess I'm more like INtP, or INxP, or some other thing where that's fuzzy.

Anyway, gaming. I think I approach gaming as an INTJ. So, characters over setting; broad concepts over details; strategy and logic; clear rules and procedures over open-endedness. What helped me figure out my gaming-type was thinking about my fantasy heartbreaker, Song of Ethera; it's pretty much an expression of "what I find cool in RPGs". It's pretty much character-based with a really loose setting, and based on encouraging lateral thinking for effective use of resources. I'm also trying to incorporate a strong structure that supports both the players and the GM. I'm pretty strongly J when it comes to gaming. I flounder when left to my own devices and end up not doing anything interesting. It's probably why I tend to be uncomfortable with freeform.

I've played various characters in many games; a lot of them seem to default to "hyper-me", which has merits, but hasn't led to the most satisfying play experiences. I keep trying to play extraverts and generally freeze up when I'm trying to do "real roleplaying" with them. Then my introverts end up fading into the background instead. Gar. But anyway, the character I've had the most fun with is, I think, an ENFJ. Whoo.

So what does this say about me? Well, the IIE slice is probably me going "I wish I were better with people". Brand described it as escapist, which sounds about right to me. My longest-running character is a D&D bard with 25 Charisma and Epic Leadership, meaning she has over a hundred level 1 followers. So, yeah.

The PJJ slice is kind of interesting. Brand mentioned this, I think, but it's kind of like... My life is sooo not together, let's try to be together in the game. So structure is really important for me. And I tend to have more fun with characters who go out and make big decisions.

There's tTF, which is, um, thingie. I guess I like playing characters who can be touchy-feely, but I still construct their behavior logically. It's not like I'm a nerd or anything. (Yeah, right!) I also don't really immerse in characters; my best play has come when I distance myself from my characters, rather than trying to "be my character", which just makes me freeze up.

NNN... "Details? What details?"

What I like in games: tactical-ish thingies. Combining different resources or abilities to come up with a new, cool thing. (e.g. feat/spell "combos" in D&D) Feeling like I make a difference. Kewl Powerz.

I am bad at writing conclusions.